
Inno vation

Inno vation

Plastic processing

Your requirements are in good hands

As a system supplier in the plastics sector, we are characterised by flexibility, expertise and speed.

Discover Coko

Prototypes, small series, large series & in-house toolmaking

Regardless of the sector, we realise your project on time

Fast response time thanks to efficient processes between departments


We take responsibility and conduct our business in accordance with the legal regulations of the countries in which we operate. This is because we believe that responsible corporate behaviour can only be achieved through behaviour within the supply chain that complies with regulations and guidelines. For this reason, there is a Code of Conduct for the Coko-Werk Group team. This provides employees and managers with a binding orientation framework for our values and basic convictions. We implement the content of this guideline throughout the company and expect the same attitude from our suppliers and subcontractors.

Take responsibility!

Health as the greatest good
A healthy team in a healthy environment is an essential prerequisite for our company’s performance – and thus for economic success and job security. For us, good work quality, occupational safety, health protection, environmental protection and plant safety are fundamental values of operating sustainably.
Responsibility meets efficiency: operating sustainably

We have developed an integrated management system at the Bad Salzuflen location. To realise this, the requirements from the areas of quality and environment were applied. In line with ISO 45001, we have expanded our processes for the area of occupational health & safety.

We have set out the company-specific and site-specific implementation of the above systems in a company manual. Application of the manual ensures that the organisational, commercial and technical activities that have an impact on quality, the environment and occupational safety are planned, controlled and monitored.

Behaving responsibly: our Code of Conduct in action

The pursuit of responsible business activities in compliance with the legal requirements of the countries in which we operate is a matter of course for us. We are of the opinion that responsible corporate action can only take place through conduct that complies with rules and regulations within the supply chain.

Based on this conviction, we have developed a Code of Conduct for all employees of the Coko-Werk Group. All relevant compliance issues are reported to the management.

Recognising and avoiding risks

As a globally active company, we are exposed to many potential risks. These can come from both internal and external sources. Coko has a risk management system in place to prevent them or minimise the potential damage.

The process of this system can be described in the following steps:

  • Risks are identified and classified by analysing the probability of occurrence and extent of damage.
  • The risks identified and the associated opportunities are visualised in a risk matrix for easy and clear presentation. This allows the risks to be prioritised.
  • To reduce the risks, an action plan is drawn up in which the departmental managers identify suitable measures and reassess the risks once they have been implemented.