
Inno vation

Inno vation

Plastic processing

Your requirements are in good hands

As a system supplier in the plastics sector, we are characterised by flexibility, expertise and speed.

Discover Coko

Prototypes, small series, large series & in-house toolmaking

Regardless of the sector, we realise your project on time

Fast response time thanks to efficient processes between departments

We act sustainably - for people and the environment

As a globally active company, we are aware of our great responsibility. In times of climate change, we are all experiencing the important role that sustainability plays in all areas of our lives. Not only are customer requirements constantly increasing, but we are also setting ourselves ever higher standards to ensure sustainable business practices. The way we see it, excellent quality and social responsibility are not a contradiction in terms. This is why environmental protection became an important issue for us back in the 1990s. Since then, we have taken up the challenge of combining ecology and economy. Assuming responsibility for current and future generations is an important matter for us.

Joining forces for the environment – sustainability as a corporate principle!

We believe that responsible corporate behaviour can only take place through conduct within the supply chain that complies with rules and guidelines. Our Code of Conduct provides our team with a binding framework for our values and fundamental beliefs.
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Back in the 1990s, we set ourselves the challenge of combining ecology and economy. In our Code of Conduct, we commit to continuously improving our environmental performance.
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Well-trained employees guarantee the quality of our work. The expertise and motivation of our team are key success factors. That is why we attach great importance to further training and the consistent promotion of young talent.
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